The ongoing degradation of environmental health in subtle, often invisible and pervasive ways drives the mission of Coming Alongside to present information in such a way that is both understandable and useful to all who visit our site. Our messages are simple but based solely on reputable information either generated experimentally (in our own facilities) or drawn from reputable sources authored by established professionals in fields of public health, environmental engineering, environmental health, and related fields.
Coming Alongside is a non-profit environmental services organization committed to bringing invisible biochemical worlds alongside the average citizen. We seek to make transparent the hazards in our everyday environments, so that individuals, regardless of race, ethnic origin, or socioeconomic status, can be empowered to reduce exposure to these impacts for greater health and well being.
Coming Alongside:
- Analyzes environmental exposure information and translates it into language accessible to and usable by the average citizen.
- Shares information in a way that enables the individual to act to improve health and well being.
- Applies appropriate technologies to fill in the gaps in collections of environmental data in order to make environmental contamination real, personal, and actionable to individuals.
- Provides educational materials and forums to the public on critical contemporary topics of environmental exposure and health risk in plain and usable language.
Our resources are organized and structured to help you make informed choices regarding environmental health under the assumption of limited resources. We realize that no one has all the money, time, energy, or access to choose only the healthiest food, air, water, light, and other environmental conditions every minute of every day. As you navigate our website, you will find priorities and best practices for action that allow you, the individual consumer, to use limited time, money, and energy to get the most out of the choices you make and protect yourself from the many and varied toxins in the environment.
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